

What does it mean to tell a story? When we tell a story do we share a part of ourselves? Do we share the experience of visiting a world together?

What does it mean to tell a story? When we tell a story do we share a part of ourselves? Do we share the experience of visiting a world together?

Telling stories and listening to stories is a form of connection. Human connection. Connection to our heritage, to the values that matter to us, to the experiences we value. We connect with each other as we visit a story together. We connect with the storyteller as they share a part of their imagination. Storytelling is human connection.

When I share stories I am deeply connected with other people- with you. I imagine your children listening to the stories and it deeply motivates me to write and draw. I am comforted by knowing all cultures tell stories. Just as water has always been sacred and fire has always warmed us, stories have always connected us. When I tell stories I feel a deep connection to all who have gone before me and that will come after.

Perhaps you think you’re not much or a story teller. I understand- I always read storybooks, and never told stories orally. I began to try story telling. I noticed the stories I was already telling. Here I’m sharing a few ideas for how you can start to tell stories orally.

Tell stories of when you were younger. Write down memories that you have and think of how you can share that memory with children. One great thing is that children like to hear stories again and again, so you have lots of opportunities to practice.

Try using a simple pair of figures to tell your story. Move them around as the story happens, perhaps they speak to one another.

Tell the story of your child’s day. It doesn’t have to be about your child, you could give the character a different name, or even have an animal as the character, and then lead them through the day… “first they woke and had breakfast…” A question for reflection: What are the stories from my childhood/life that stand out? How could I share that story with my child?

Use #thelittleoaklearning to share your storytelling moments 






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