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A flexible, simple rhythm to help you foster a family culture that feels right. I've brought my love of waldorf, forest school, traditional crafts and activities to create a gentle family rhythm that you'll be able to implement no matter your other commitments. 

Through nature centred activities and seasonally themed topics this rhythm will give you the tools you need to provide your child with a nurturing, creative, enriched childhood. Each seasonal rhythm will carry you through twelve weeks, leaving you feeling calm, happy and connected. Designed to support you, we flow between time spent indoors and time spent outside, time spent together and time spent independently.



Nature Walks

Crafts and Cooking


Purposeful Work

Provided with illustrated backgrounds and puppets you will tell these original stories, celebrating nature and the seasons. Follow The Hiddles, a family of sprites, as they support their community and live at one with the land.

Gain confidence singing carefully chosen seasonal songs with you little one. Videos of the songs being performed will help you to learn. No matter your singing ability you'll soon delight in your child's joy for songs.

Getting outside on the days that you can you'll have beautifully illustrated activity ideas. Open ended prompts to give you the space to enjoy nature at a pace that's right for your family. ideas to celebrate nature outside and at home.

Named 'Hands and Heart' in The Rhythm, these activities warm the heart and keep the hands busy. Each weekly craft links to the seasonal topic. A wonderful opportunity to work alongside your little one.

Take a moment each day, to be at peace and reflect. These carefully chosen prompts centre around connecting with the moment, practising gratitude, breath, embracing the senses and visualisations.

Working as a community, children take part in the daily work of the home. As you model the simplest of tasks to your child you will begin to feel pride in the everyday jobs that you accomplish.

Elements of The Rhythm

Rhythm is the flow of our days, weeks, months and years.

Rhythm guides us and gives us confidence through her familiarity, flexibility and compassion. Rhythm is a gentle, wise family member who supports us and only wants the best for us. She reminds us of the things we love, the joy of simple, everyday moments - she knows the beauty of our everyday lives.



click here for FREE RESOURCES


inside each rhythm you will receive

- 2 weekly plans
- 10 daily plans
- A story with story telling card, background and puppets
- Songs, Rhymes 
- Nature walk activities 
- Reflection activities
- Weekly art and craft activities
- Weekly Recipes
- Purposeful work ideas

- A rhythm guide explaining how to use the curriculum
- 6 illustrated story backgrounds
- 6 illustrated sets of puppets
- 6 story cards
- 12 songs and rhymes
- 12 illustrated nature walk pages of ideas for the week
- 12 illustrated art and craft activity pages
- 12 recipe cards
- 12 weekly plans
- 60 daily plans for the twelve weeks






Want to learn more about rhythm?